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  1. Not Many Words

    Good Afternnon, My Gorgeous, Most Precious Angel Boy, Liam,

    My mind is flooded with many thoughts, fears and questions. I am struggling to find any words that can properly express what I am thinking and feeling, but I am at a loss. I know that you have your little arms around me and are comforting me and guiding me through the particular valley we are all walking through right now. I know that you are listening to my every word and hear me loud and clear, as I talk with you every ...
  2. CDH Repair

    Quote Originally Posted by KimFitzgerald View Post
    My little boy is a CDH survivor and he is now 2. We just went to our yearly follow-up appointment with Pediatric Surgery. According to his x-ray his diaphram is up to high. The doctor refered to it as being "loose". We are now looking at a repair. Has any other family had this or a similar issue?
  3. Devastated... Again...

    Hello, My Gorgeous Angel,

    Yesterday brought some very heart-wrenching news. Upon meeting with our lawyers about the car accident you and I were in while you were in my tummy, it was made clear that my MRSA infection and surgeries did not affect you in ANY way. This was such good news to hear, as it creates a bit more peace in knowing that what I had didn't harm you. The troubling news came when they read me your records from Boston. They found some very interesting-not in a good way- ...
  4. Ethan's therapy

    Haven't had a lot to update lately, but Ethan is doing really great. He started back to therapy and we hope he will be turning a corner soon. It is just such slow progress. He did taste of a bite of chocolate and without us asking, he said, "taste good." I was very impressed. Then last night he drank a few sips of his pediasure and said, "milk good, my milk." It was so great. We'll see how it goes but I was very excited.
  5. Empty

    Good Morning, My Little One,

    Today has already been an extremely emotional day. So many thoughts and fears are running through my mind and I am struggling to not drown myself in them. The root of it all is how much I miss you, Liam Anthony! There are days when nothing makes sense and I can barely put one foot in front of the other. Today is one of those days that I just want to crawl into a deep, dark hole and stay there. I'm emotionally unstable and unpredictable, I'm shaky and rotate ...
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