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  1. Anniversary of Coming Home

    Today is the anniversary of bringing my baby home from the hospital. As you all know, in some ways, this is the anniversary of the day when I really became a parent, because up till February 25th, Dakota really was cared for by a whole team of doctors and nurses, but on February 25th, for the first time, she was solely our responsibility and ours to protect and love. The weekend before, I had roomed in the hospital for 48 hours and had done every feed of Dakota's. She had not quite taken the ...
  2. A non-anniversary

    So yesterday, February 14th, was not exactly an anniversary, but I remember the day very well. First of all, it was Dakota's original due date. Parents in NICU of premies are often told that the goal is for the baby to be released by their original due date. Of course, with CDH, all bets are off, but back around January 31st it looked doable. After all the drama of ECMO, the surgery, getting extubated, getting through an infection and C-PAP, Dakota was on nasal cannulas by the last week of January ...
  3. My Adorable Baby

    Okay, so the sleeping thing is not going so well .. and the eating thing is just going mediocre ... but I don't care about all that today. Today I would like to talk about all the adorable things my baby does:
    My Dakota loves to crawl around and pull everything she can off shelves, out of drawers, out of purses, etc. She does not like to put things back in. But the key is, she doesn't just pull things out. She pulls them out, examines them closely, turning them from side to side, then ...