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  1. important question

    I'm at 27 weeks now , and Miami told me that I didn't have to see my specialist anymore, but to see my regular OB; however, my OB can not deliever in Miami, and has really had only 2 patients with CDH, which he's sent to specialist, so everytime I see him he really doesn't do much, he'll just ask questions about how everything is going , and he'll listen to the heart beat, and do all like the regular pregnancy tests like glucose testing and such... needless to say The Doc and I both thought that ...
  2. g-tube

    My son has been having oral aversion. So on April 2, he will be getting a g-tube. One of the doctors told me that he would be able to go home a few days after. It will be great to have him home but, I am nervous about it, too.
  3. Parade!!

    I so wish I could participate April 19th in the parade ... unfortunately, and fortunately Gavin , and I are going to go under tracheal occlusion surgery! so we'll be in the hospital on bed rest sending our love, and pride to all of our other CDH family, and friends!!!! XO
  4. Calm Before The Storm.

    Okay so this is the calm before the storm!! Tomorrow Chris, and I go to miami to visit Gavins surgeon. April 10th I have my glucose testing, April 14th my baby shower, the 16th we're going to Miami again to see if everything is okay , and ready for surgery, April 18th is my inuterual surgery, and then bed rest for 10 weeks until baby Gavin is strong enough to meet the world!!! Kind of getting a little anxious, because it's literally right around the corner... I really pray that the surgery goes ...
  5. Lose

    February 15 was suppose to be the best day of my life but instead it was the worst. My son was born at 1:03am and passed about 9 hours later. I was able to get out of the hospital in time to hold him and say goodbye. My sweet angle passed in my arms after his father and I told him it was ok he didn't need to be in pain. I feel like he waited for me to get to Children's before he let go.
    Since his passing I have found it hard to show the love and attention my other son needs and deserves. ...
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