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  1. update :amairani vianney

    We been home a while now so far amairani has done well!! She has been such a blessing, in my life & people around us. Oral averison(spellcheck) is still hard to overcome mostly liquids is the issue, Gerbers are easy to feed with no problems. Other then that she a normal baby even reaching some milestones faster then expected. I couldnt imagine life without her. I see CDH stories going in right now and makes me realizes Amairanis CDH journey was one of the better ones. There was never a time ...
  2. update :amairani vianney

    We been home a while now so far amairani has done well!! She has been such a blessing, in my life & people around us. Oral averison(spellcheck) is still hard to overcome mostly liquids is the issue, Gerbers are easy to feed with no problems. Other then that she a normal baby even reaching some milestones faster then expected. I couldnt imagine life without her. I see CDH stories going in right now and makes me realizes Amairanis CDH journey was one of the better ones. There was never a time ...
  3. Another surgery

    Quote Originally Posted by Therese Botell View Post
    Looks like Katelynn will have to have her hiatel hernia repair and Nissen redone soon. Hoping for a great outcome. The constant reflux, pain,and nausea is just about unbearable for her.
  4. Home Sweet Home!

    Jagger has been home for 1 month as of today. He has been doing great he has not been sick at all (knock on wood) he is perfect. Although he does suffer from reflux which he was just put on medication for. So far in his first month home we have gone on his first road trip. He loves car rides as long as you don't get stuck in traffic or at a red light, he for sure is a "Go baby." When I look back at pictures of him during his hospital stay I don't even recognize him. I guess that is my ...
  5. New here but thankful

    I new to this site but am thankful to have found it. My daughter was born 08/08/00 but I am just now seeing all the wonderful information and forums available here. I wish I had known of this place when she was younger and we were dealing with her feeding tube, various surgeries or during her cancer scare when she was found with tumors on her kidney. I felt so alone going thru the various steps and issues and wanted to find one person that could relate and maybe share their thoughts, experiences ...
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