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  1. Dakota's Story

    Me and my Husband were getting ready to have our 15 year Anniversary.(07) Then we found out I was pregnant. We were in shock and so happy. I even did 4 pregnancy test's thinking each one was wrong. We already had Mikala who was going on to 9 years old in June. With a miscarriage before and after Mikala, we were just so excited. I had an ultrasound in my first trimester to confirm the due date and then another one at 20 weeks. He told us that our baby had a diaphragmatic hernia. He explained how ...
  2. Back to Work

    This week has been a busy one. I started back to work part time. Its nice to get out of the house a bit, but its tough getting on a new schedule. I will be working early mornings so that I can be back in time for Nate to go in to work. Not happy about having to get up at 3 am, but at least I am out before the day even begins.

    We went to see some family this week which was nice. Makayla got to meet more of her relatives and luckily it was a warm beautiful day so we were able to enjoy ...
  3. Makayla is 55 days old

    Today Makayla is officially 55 days old. 55 days, such a short period of time that has gone by so quickly. That was all we got to spend with our little angel, 55 days. I look at Makayla today and I think about how every day from here on was a day that Gabe did not get. Every little milestone is one that Gabe did not reach. It sucks how grief never really ends, it just keeps coming back and biting me in the butt when I least expect it.

    Just have so many emotions flying around right ...
  4. picture

    My pic did not go through. Guess I need to work on my computer skills!
  5. picture

    My pic did not go through. Guess I need to work on my computer skills!
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