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  1. Never enough time in the day

    [color=black:c1fefbb70b]I really need to try to keep up here better!

    It's been a zoo around here lately. Work is so busy right now. CHERUBS events are taking up every other waking moment lately. Evenings and weekends are spent either at the boy's baseball games or printing up flyers, meeting with volunteers or vendors, or returning phone calls and e-mails.

    This week has been particularly busy. Friday, I took off of work and spent all day getting the ABC licenses. ...
  2. I'm Back

    Well I am proud I made it to 2002 yesterday! In the first part of 2003 I don't really remember the dates I began to have eating issues it was hurt me so bad to eat ANYTHING! So they put me in the hospital in the beginning of that year in Memphis TN where I had found my new GI doctor, Dr. Lazar, her husband was te one who did my ear surgeries. I was realeased with pills to help me not hurt and be able to eat. But it just did not seem to do what I needed! So, on over into the year I started my Junior ...
  3. It's been awhile

    It's been awhile since I last wrote in my blog. I have been struggling lately with the guilt of moving on. It feels as though I am leaving her in the past. How do you show your love to those who have passed? I am struggling with that right now. I love her soooo much and for some crazy reason feel like if I move on I am not showing her that love.
    My mind is a battle field between the feelings I have and what I know. I know that moving on shows that I care and is healthy, but moving on makes ...
  4. Some More of my is long !

    After we moved to TN from MS I changed orthopedic doctors, I went to one in Memphis for a couple years. Until my sister had a four wheeler wreck and broker her back in three places and they sent her to Vandy, which is where I met my favorite Dr. Gregory Mencio. I love this man...LOL He then became my "back doctor". He took me out of the brace, which is one reason I LOVE HIM, He told my parents and I that there was no need in wearing it anymore because of two reasons. Those reasons ...
  5. The rest of the story!

    After my first surgery at nine hours old they told my parents if I could make it for 72 hours they MIGHT start talking about my survival. My mother and father were devistated! My mom was still in Oxford a couple hundred miles away in the hospital she didn't get out of the hospital for 5 days after I was born because of the C-section. My father and grandfather are both ministers and they began calling everyone they knew, which was alot of people for prayer. Before I was 24 hours old most of america ...
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