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  1. Angel update

    by , 06-15-2010 at 11:45 AM (My second grandson has arrived Brantley Reed)
    [color=darkred:331edc572c][/color:331edc572c]Hi just a upadate on angel from her story. Angel quit school because of problems with attendance but is not getting her ged (yea) her health has been good. She has had quite a few boyfriends and her scars haven't seem to make any differnce thank you guys.Overall she is atypical teenager help me god.
  2. I must admit

    Okay, I have to admit something. I just reread my last blog entry and I said something a little untruthful. I said that I did not join Cherubs before Dakota was born because there just wasn't time. That is not all true, because I researched obsessively for the less than 3 weeks between diagnosis and birth, so of course I found Cherubs, but to be honest, the name Cherubs scared me. At that time, I had a strict rule for my sanity-I would only read survivor blogs. The couple of angels I heard ...
  3. Saturday

    :) We had a rough week but things are getting better. I came down with a bug and have had a cough and sore throat but I am feeling better today. Didn't get to hug Ethan much but will make up for it when the cold is gone. Didn't want him to catch it. My husband had three cysts removed from his face and neck yesterday (Friday). He is doing well although the wounds are sore. It was a long week at work. A co-worker passed away after a long bout with cancer. We were all sad to lose her. Ethan ...
  4. The Beautiful Side of CDH

    As I was in the hospital with Dakota fighting for her life, I remember feeling enveloped in love and support. I did not have a blog, and was not on Cherubs yet (I only had a couple of weeks between her diagnosis and her unexpected birth), so my love and support came from my family and from friends and acquaintances, and I was so touched.
    But I always wished I was part of Cherubs and/or had a blog at the time, because the beautiful love and genuine concern for stangers just pours out of ...
  5. Ethan's Feeds

    I did forget to mention that Ethan is getting his two boluses all at one time. He was doing so well getting the 60 mils twice during each hour, that we went ahead and tried the entire 120 mils and he handled it fine. No spitting up. He can stay off the feed pump all day from 8 am - 8 pm. He gets more time to practice getting around. He still uses the pump overnight, but that's ok because he is sleeping so it doesn't bother him then.
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