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  1. just getting it off my chest

    I love to lay my face next Mekhaai's face at night while he is asleep and I can feel his sweet little breaths hitting me. It helps me sleep better knowing that he is right there alive and well. I think of all the parents that have lost their babies to CDH and I just feel this awe like im in the presence of something magical, my son, who i was told to have an abortion with to save myself the pain of losing him at or before birth is laying here next to me. How am I so lucky, why me and not them, ...
  2. first cold

    mekhaii had his first virus and did well for his age and condition, his big brother needed antibiotics for the same bug, but both lasted about 3 weeks.
  3. 3 months old

    well, Mekhaai is 3 months old now, he had an Echocardiogram and everything is normal now, yeahhh!!! He is 16 lbs and the happiest baby I have ever seen, really. when he wakes up, his eyes get big and he smiles so hard, it looks like he is trying to wag his imaginary tail, or like he knows how lucky he is to be here. There is no better feeling in the world, than to see him smiling. My other kids are so great with him. I can cry at the drop of a hat when I see a sick baby or if i here about the ...
  4. Check up at Shands

    Dakota had a great check up with Dr. Kays. I can't tell you how excited I get to see Dr. Kays. It's bizarre. Do other CDH moms feel this way about their surgeon? It's almost like seeing a movie start. He is seriously one of my heros. Anyways, Dakota's x-ray looked perfect! Her diaphragm is back to looking even (not elevated on the repair side as it was previously) so that is good news! And Dr. Kays didn't care about Dakota's weight not being on the chart! Thank goodness! We work so hard ...
  5. Bummed about nc conference

    by , 06-23-2010 at 08:48 AM (My second grandson has arrived Brantley Reed)
    Hi guys a new update about the teenager she severly brusied her hand sun june 20 after hitting a cement wall because her current boyfriend made her mad(teenagers :roll: ) So now its looks like our trip to the zoo isnt going to happen because she has to have it e-xrayed and a doc appt that day. Still going to school though :lol: Maybe one day she will learn concrete doesn't give.
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