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  1. 7/24/11

    Very tough week. A member of my husband's fire dept. was killed while vacationing with his family when another driver crossed the center line and hit them head on. He was 39 and leaves his beautiful wife and sons, ages 2 & 4.

    Nonna had a tough day today. 2 baby showers in 1 day for two special sets of parents. It is also Liam's Mommy & Daddy's 1 year wedding anniversary. I'm glad I started my day by going to church. While I am happy & thrilled for each set of parents, ...
  2. 7/23/11

    Ethan will be 2 years and 9 months old tomorrow. I took off work and we took him and his sister Christa (5 years) to the GA Aquarium yesterday. They had a great time and were amazed at all the "fishhh". That's how Ethan says it. Christa loved the dolphins the best. We enjoyed it as well and loved seeing their amazement. It was Ethan's first time going to something big like that. He had a really good time and wasn't afraid of all the people. He said hello to a lot of people ...
  3. Happy 2-Month Birthday, Liam!

    Our Little Lion, Liam,

    Although you are not with us in person, you are with us in spirit. We feel your love and strength in all that we do, wherever we go. We know you are watching down on us and guiding us forward, giving us your incredible strength and courage. We thank you for the sunshine, and we thank you for each other! The aren't enough words in the dictionary to illustrate your immeasurable beauty! We are so, so proud of you, Liam!

    Happy 2-Month Birthday, Liam! ...
  4. Ethan's beautiful Eyes

    Ethan and Christa went to the eye doctor today. Christa's eyes are just right. This was a different doctor and he wants to be more aggressive treating Ethan's strabismus. Ethan will need to wear a patch over his left eye (the better one) for two hours everyday. I thought, "that sounds easy". But he took it off every few minutes. I told him he was a pirate and taught him to say "arrr" or something like it and he enjoyed that. Ethan is dancing to "Bippity Boppity ...
  5. Ethan's Summer 2011

    Ethan has been doing great. He is still going to therapy and they are working on his aversions. His speech therapist gave us some exercises to do at home. We have to touch certain parts of his face and (I forget the name of them) do "C" shapes around each side of his mouth. Sometimes he likes it and will imitate them but other times he pushes your hands away. That's ok. On the days he is accepting the exercises we try to do a little more and on the days he is not liking ...
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