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  1. the GED is in sight

    by , 08-26-2010 at 09:29 AM (My second grandson has arrived Brantley Reed)
    so peoples the GED test is in sight taking the pre-test today getting ready to move also probally in week that will be fun :roll: then on to college for her i hope we will discuss it :lol: Now shes looking for a part time job overall things are looking up
  2. small lungs

    so we had our 5 month check up and everything is fine, then we had a pulmonary visit at Childrens and the doctor asked if there was any choking, faster breathing etc and I said none of that. so since she couldnt find anything to report she lookes at me and says, well you know your son most likely has smaller lungs than normal babies and he breathes faster, and he will probably have troube running in sports. DUH!! I hate going to these appts because it seems like just when I have my head wrapped ...