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  1. More time for me to love my tummy

    Work has been really stressful lately. I am a pastry chef and I LOVE to bake and do cakes. While I was prego with Gabe I didn't have a job for awhile and after he passed away I needed a low stress easy job. So I decided to apply at my local grocery store for a cake decorator position. At first it was perfect-part time, no major responsibilities, low stress and easy. After a little time and they discovered my manager experience, my schooling, and my work experience, they started pushing me towards ...
  2. WooHoo we are up and running!

    Hi, welcome to my blog. I am so happy that the Cherubs brand new website is up and running and I am finally able to gain access to it. I hope everyone is having a great time visiting and researching the website. I want to thank Dawn Torrence for making this vision happen.
  3. Getting started

    [color=darkblue:c6c380044b][/color:c6c380044b]Hi everyone. Fairly new at this blogging stuff so bear with me. I get online this morning and get an email from our church that a family just lost their newborn that was born 14 wks premature. I don't even know them but my heart still aches for them. Then I see where my friend Debbie has to explain the loss of a pet to her boys. They have lost so much the past year and a half with Joel and their grandpa now their little guinea pig. So I am sad for them. ...
  4. Jacob

    Well today is not a happy day here. Jacob and Joshua have two new guinea pigs. They have had them for 3 weeks. Jacob has been the one doing most of the caring for them. This morning when he went to uncover them,he found 'Dick' curled up in the corner. Dick had died in the night. Jacob is so distressed and demanded we take him to the vets just incase we had got it wrong although there really was no doubt. Dick is now in a little box waiting for David to come home and bury him in our garden. Its so ...
  5. It's A Girl

    I am very happy to announce that we are having a girl! More importantly, everything seems to be growing at normal rates, and everything is where it should be! We got some of the test results back and so far they have all come back with low risk for things like Downs Syndrome and Trisomy 18. The only concern was the spotting I had this morning, which after an exam was determined to be caused by a polyp. They will be keeping an eye on it, but say it isn't something to worry about. We will be going ...
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