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  1. What A Week

    We've gone live with our web site! YEAH!!! We've gotten rave reviews, which is wonderful - we have worked so hard on this for so long!

    We have an influx of new members who were on the listservs and hadn't joined yet. 20 or 30 in the past few days. Our old site was averaging 300,000 hits per month, our new site should be a lot more.

    I am exhausted though and having a hard time keeping up with password requests and e-mails plus my regular job too. Hopefully soon, ...
  2. 2 Hours until Appointment

    Well I can officially call myself a nervous wreck at this point. It is less than 2 hours until my big doctors appointment where I get all sorts of scary genetics and other tests along with a level 2 ultrasound. If I wasn't scared enough as it was, about an hour ago I was at work and started cramping. I went to the bathroom and found a little blood. I freaked out! I ran out of work like a mad woman without any explanation to my boss who probably wants to kill me right about now. I just needed to ...
  3. Hello


    Well I have started this blog but I am very confused about how this all works. I am not very technically minded but like to have a go. I am so happy to be part of this,without cherubs I wouldn't have met all the wonderful friends I have made in the last 18 months. These friends got me through my pregnancy and were also there for me when Joel left us. Thank you everyone. Once I get the hang of all this I will update more

    Lots of love Debbiexxxxxx
  4. About Me

    My CHERUB Jonathan Luke, was born Nov. 7, 1997 with a RCDH, hole in the heart, and IUGR. He weighed only 4 lbs. 15.7 oz. full term. We did not find out he had CDH until they performed an autopsy to find out why he died. I have been a member of CHERUBS since 1998.

    I am also mom to three subsequent boys:

    Allen, 3/13/1999 (13 days late!)
    Trevor, 2/20/2002, positive indicator AFP test, just had his 5 year MRI and give clean bill of health. Still struggling with ...
  5. My CHERUBS History, My CHERUBS Friends

    This is a little (i.e. a lot!) long so settle in…..

    I found CHERUBS in 1999. I had just joined the computer age and got connected to the Internet for the first time. I decided to see what I could find on Diaphragmatic Hernias. It had been almost 7 years since my first baby Alyssa had died from CDH so I was positive there would have been huge advances - maybe they now knew what caused it! How wrong could I be!!! But......

    I found CHERUBS and that changed my life in such ...
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