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She grasped Dan’s finger too. On the evening the Doctors told us she had really improved over the past 36 hours and was looking much better. Great news. Day 11 - Wednesday 8th October 2008 They have started to reduce some of Sienna’s medication. She is now off both blood pressure medications. Yay! They have started to reduce her nitric oxide (from 20 to 10 today), which is a big thing as she can‘t come off the ventilator until she‘s off the nitric. Sienna‘s ...
Day 1 - 28th September, 2008 Sienna , Our gorgeous girl was born today!!! The labour, looking back was pretty much textbook. My water broke at home at 9.30pm on Saturday 27th September (Grand Final Day). Dan was drinking at a friends place. He was sure Sienna wouldn’t arrive today, so thought it would be safe to have a few. Had to get his brother Jack to pick him up because he couldn’t drive. My midwife at the Royal Women’s told me to relax at home, as my contractions ...
[color=violet:3a2d058994][/color:3a2d058994][size=9:3a2d058994][/size:3a2d058994] So today, my baby girl is 26 days old. And what a rough 26 days it's been! I went into labor at around 10:30 on St. Patrick's Day. Labor lasted a little over 11 hours, and my little angel was born at 9:40 am on March 18th at Women & Infants' Hospital in Providence. And what a feeling! She was 7 pounds, 11 ounces and about 20 inches long. (They never officially measured ...
I was just wondering. I e-mailed several people about trying to volunteer and havent heard anything back. Our daughter passed away on 2-26-09 and we really want to do something to help out others going thru this
Yes and I also left when I had been to the hospital with contractions. Everything was fine! He was due on August 16th (we didn't quite make it till then) I went to the hospital on July 11th with contractions and blood pressure spiking, they sent me home A HOUR away at 3.5 cm and 70% effaced and sitting on his head! So, the saturday I came home I was up ALL night with contractions in and out of the bathtub it was HORRIBLE...on Monday I was officially 36 weeks they had told me if I could make ...