Stay Connected
I know all of the people on here have 'sad days'. A day when tears come easily. I am having one of those days today so I'd like to give thanks. Today is CDH awareness day so I jumped on here to catch up with the cherubs family. I remember very well how scared I was when we found out our unborn son had CDH. It saddens me to read about new families having to deal with this medical condition. And it breaks my heart to read about other parents grieving for their children who have passed ...
well I haven't updated since our appointment on the 16th of April... Gavins Trachea is just a little too small for the stent , so they want us to come back on May 1st to check again, and if his trachea is big enough they're going to go ahead and do the surgery as quickly as the next day... I have a little extra fluid due to him not being able to breathe, but my cervix looks great , so no big concerns there... also his height, and weight is at the 52 percentile so he's doing great!!!! Anyone ...
First appointment of this week is over, and it was good. Actually. Delaney is still passing her nst's with flying colors and is still kicking up a storm. Her right kidney is still enlarged but is not moving up or down which is good. Her stomach is still up in her chest and her heart is still in the same position and squished. None of that has changed for like a month. The only thing that changed is the pressure in the cord went down some, it is now in the upper end of the normal range which is still ...
Yay so thanks to my mother-in-law the city of Palm Beach Gardens , Florida as declared April 19th CDH awareness day!!! We got two copies , so we will be sending one to the North Carolina address!!! taking one step at a time!!!!!!! GOOOO CHERRUUBBBSSS!!!!
I went yesterday for my weekly appointment with the perinatal specialist. Delaney is still doing great and passing all her tests. She is practicing breathing regularly and has good movement and heartbeat even through the contractions I have been having. Her weight isn't really where I wish it was but 4 lbs. at this point is nothing to scoff at. I had several contractions during the testing. They have been getting more frequent and more noticeable as time has progressed. They were coming at regular ...