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This past Wednesday they tried to get him off his ventilator but, he wasn't ready for it. He has been in a separate room since he got sick with MRSA but, yesterday they moved him back in the regular NICU room. So, no more wearing a gown and gloves to see him.
Updated 02-16-2013 at 05:18 PM by LaurenFassold
If you haven't yet heard the song "Worn" by Tenth Avenue North, you should make a point to listen to it. I am so worn right now. The same day I got the news that Delaney's chromosome tests were normal, my son started throwing up. He had such a bad stomach virus that it took him over a week to recover. Except that as soon as he started to act like himself again, he winds you coming down with a cold. Well, the cold actually turned into pink eye and a double ear infection. Which hes ...
Every year since my son's birth, February has been an emotional month. Yes, my son is a survivor and is doing fantastic, but my mind always wanders back to his hospital stay and almost losing him. February was his most trying month, he was on ECMO and had his repair. My emotions are all happy though, just lots of happy tears. I just wanted to put a post on here about how we have been doing since. Just in case anyone was curious. Christian just turned 7! We ...
Two months ago I did not know what congenital diaphragmatic hernia. My world came crashing down on 19 of December when the doctor came in the ultra sound room and told me that my son had a diaphragmatic hernia and that I needed to go down to San Antonio because the hospital at fort hood did not have the equipment to deliver my baby. So, the next morning she told me that San Antonio Military Medical Center was going to admitted me that day and I needed to go right away. My parents took my 3 year ...
Our baby Kyle was born on February the 6th 2013, after he wa born we found out he had CDH he was rushed to Children's in Birmingham, Al. He was stabilized quickly an went on ECMO the night before last. We have been praying the whole way through and he is doing great. Hoping to get home as quick as possible