What address did you send them to?
I did receive your signed rules via e-mail this evening.
I am in contact with Dawn and I will get with you tomorrow--and we will get you started.
You are SO awesome for all the enthusiam(sp) you have!!!! I LOVE IT!!
I wish I lived in SC and could have you as a rep--but I will get to meet you in JULY!!!
Gosh--I am SO excited to be able to meet with other CDH families. I truly hope that this conference is GREAT and we can do it every year.
If not every year--at least every couple of years.
It is almost a sad issue--to know that CDH babies will be born everyday- and yet there is no cure for CDH and families feel they are alone.

As we all know--they are not. I really wish every family knew about CHERUBS and knew that we are here for them. No matter what their situation may be.
We are all working So hard to get CDH Awareness out there---I feel in years to come, even months, we will be there. No family will be alone in this journey.
They will know that CHERUBS is here for them!

We really do change the subject don't we? or maybe it is just me!!!!!! lol