Why are we all here? Because we all have children with this horrible defect. We are here for OUR children.

This is not about who is more popular or who more people come to your site than another and it is definately not about money. We all are serving one purpose TO HELP OUT CHILDREN.

It honestly brings me to tears to know that there are people out there that are not in this for their children but for themselves. I would have died if it meant my daughter to live. I would NEVER argue/fight/steal whatever from people that are suppose to be in this cause to help.

It is absolutely ridiculous. I have tried not to comment on these BOH threads, but I could no longer hold back.

Grow up, and help our children, YOUR CHILD, have a chance a life.

That is why I am here at CHERUBS, because deep in my heart I know every person here is pure hearted in our cause.