This is my first post to the web site so bare with me on probably posting to the wrong area but I wanted all volunteers to know this information.

I recently spoke to my cousin who is a retired newspaper editor. She told me the best way to get the CDH awareness out to newspapers is to find out by name who the Medical or Health reporters are for all of the newspapers in each state. Then contact them by phone/letter to find out if they would like to report a story on CDH awareness. Sometimes they prefer personal stories along with the statistics on CDH. When you contact smaller newspapers, just ask for whoever does medical or health stories. Sometimes it is put in the community news.

I also talk to people that I see daily and/or know in our small town along with the churches. One of the ladies groups at a local church has watched the CDH video of my granddaughter, Shelby Grace Olivarez. I also gave them the Cherubs web site and the youtube CDH support web site so that they can watch all of the Cherubs videos. They all keep Shelby Grace on their prayer lists daily.

I think that if volunteers will start locally around them to get the word out then one day CDH will be well-known. I also sent everyone in my email address book Shelby's video, web site, and Cherubs web site. I have email friends in many different states. Every little bit helps. God Bless you all!! Shebly Grace's Memaw