Very well said Ladies.

Tania I am not sure why you would post that I am "full of crap"......but if "full of crap" means that I volunteer SEVERAL hours a week to help CDH Families then Yep I am! If it means that I have knitted and crocheted SEVERAL blankets...then again yep I am! If "full of crap" describes all the stuff that I have sent in to the blanket project, to the conference and bowl-a-thons then I will proudly wear that description!!

Tania you have NO IDEA what all I have donated to that blanket project. NONE what so ever! The last box that I sent in was 24 lbs...that is a lot of blankets and supplies......and that was just ONE box that I sent. There were a few that were 16 and 17 lbs. All that was donated TO CHERUBS should have been returned. PERIOD. It was donated to CHERUBS and I have every right to question if it made its way back to CHERUBS. I have that right as an Advisor and I have that right as the person who donated it.