Things I learned....
Fair skin and sunblock does not mean you won't get burned like a lobster...
Folding brochures dries out your hands...
And I can wake up at the crack of dawn and still mostly

But seriously. This conference was an eye opener for me. Aaron and I had gone to a local group for theropy about lossing Zoe. While it was a great idea for people who lost their one in the group had gotten to know their babies...all were lost in pregnancy. That was really hard for us. Not being able to relate to anyone there. While Aaron was unable to make it to the conference, between him and Dawn, I was "forced" to go. And I needed it so very badly. It was wonderful to meet all the people there, to see and meet people that knew so many of the things we had gone through. While meeting parents that still have their Cherubs with them was hard it was also very good for me. To see that babies do survive this. And to meet Karen and DeAnn and spending time with Dawn who had lost their children too but are still living their lives and working so hard in their Cherubs' memory. It gives me hope taht one day I won't always cry at the drop of the hat.

Thank you to everyone. I had been scared that because I no longer had Zoe here with me that I might feel out of place....but I never did. I came home full of ideas to help raise awareness and research that I can and have talked to some of Zoe's doctors about. I could not ask for more love and support than I got from all of you. You truely are Angels just like your Cherubs.