Thinking of you! It is so hard finding out your baby is going to be sick. My husband and I were the exact same way as you and your husband. I researched like a maniac, set up the doctors appointments, and took the lead on everything with regard to CDH (I still take the lead on anything medical for Dakota to this day - which thankfully is not much). I would explain everything to him, I would explain to him in detail what Dakota would go through and how she would survive, and how we were going to relocate 5 hours from home for as long as it would take .... and he just went along with me, which I am forever thankful for. I wanted to take the lead on this. I'm not sure my husband got the support he needed because he was so quiet about it and also because I refused to let him even mention the fear that Dakota would not survive. I couldn't handle that. I just wanted positive thoughts. I feel badly now for not letting him discuss his feelings and fears. I think you guys sounds like you are doing great to begin communicating about it.
Thinking of you and praying for a smooth pregnancy and birth and a great start!