We need your help!

This is our CDH Awareness Day proclamation map from 2013. Not all the years together, just 1 year! We did an amazing job in 2013 with proclamations, parades, media, baseball night, lighting buildings, Senate & House Resolutions and more!

2014 is going to be even BIGGER with your help!!!! We are off to a great start already with 3 states, 8 towns, 2 billboards and events being planned around the world!

Please help CHERUBS and all the charities in the Alliance of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Organizations - ACDHO as we work together on April 19th, the International Day of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness by writing your governor and mayor asking for a proclamation. Help us raise CDH Awareness. Honor your cherub. More awareness = more research = more lives saved.

If you want to help, please email Neil at NRubenstein@cherubs-cdh.org. 2013 Proclamations .jpg