Hi Stephanie, I am so very sorry you are on this journey with CDH, but know you have found a wonderful support group. It is pretty quiet over here on the forums anymore, most of our new members are posting and asking questions in our private Facebook support group. If you marked yes to joining this group, you should have received an email invite to the email you indicated in your profile. The invite would be from me. If you don't see it in your inbox, do check your spam/junk folders for it. These groups are private, so unless you are a member of the group, you don't see the activity. Please let me know if you would like me to resend the invite by emailing cpab@cherubs.org.

Your baby girl is a fighter! Praying she continues to make progress and overcomes her hurdles to come home. One day at a time and keep focusing on the positive. (((HUGS)))