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Carrie Williams

  1. Henry Davis Williams

    Henry Davis Williams was born 11-13-12 at 3:23am and passed just a few hours later.

    The doctors cannot give us a concrete reason why Henry passed away. Oddly enough, the one health problem we knew Henry was suffering from, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, played no part in his passing. He had a good lung, and it was working hard. Henry had a severe case of metabolic acidosis and despite the doctors best efforts, it could not be cured. The doctors also feel Henry had Fryns syndrome, ...
  2. 39 weeks!

    I am at 39 weeks. Baby seems to be comfortable just chillin inside me and that is fine. I am progressing but slowly. I am completely thinned out, station -2 and finger tip dilated (as of 10-30-12). I had two non stress tests last week that came back fine. I will have a check up on 11-6-12. We have been at the Ronald McDonald house near the hospital for almost two weeks now. Baby's weight gain has slowed. Estimated at 6lb 2oz on 10-22-12. We expected around 7lb by then. I am glad we are near the ...