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Blog Comments

  1. JessicaSindoni's Avatar
    My heart is with you, thought I never lost a child, I came close. I couldnt imagine the pain you are feeling. Remember that everything you feel is not wrong. Its normal to feel hurt, saddness, anger any every other feeling you can endure. Again I cant exactly relate but I am willing to talk if you need. <3 <3 Hope the best for you and your family during this time!
  2. MariaFarnsworth's Avatar
    My heart is breaking for you and your family. Having watched our daughter and son in-law go through this process is the most gut-wrenching experience. Please know that CHERUBS has some amazing people. Tap into this resource. They are fabulous.

    Sending healing prayers and thoughts from Vermont.

    Maria Farnsworth
    Nonna to Angel CHERUB Liam ("The Lion") Anthony Hunt
  3. Chris and TracyMeats's Avatar
    (((HUGS)))....we are always here for you if you need to talk. We do have oncall support for our grieving families too, if you want me to put you in contact with another mom....sometimes just talking to somebody who understands helps.
  4. angelalawall's Avatar
    Ive been thinking about you! I hope everything is going well!