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  1. Missing you!

    My Dearest, Perfect Angel, Liam,

    I miss you so incredibly much! Each day I find that different aspects of my life get easier, not better, but easier. Nonna, Landon and I got to church every Sunday, and I have been gleaning so much faith and insight from each service. We go to Victory Baptist, which is where your Celebration of Life service was. There is much comfort in going to that church, as Pastor and his wife know us all so well now.

    I kiss your pictures adn urn ...
  2. Home stretch

    Well, Its finally coming to the end. I will be 36
    weeks on Sunday. We went to the u/s again on
    Tuesday and things are doing well. He is still
    passing the biophysical exam and his doppler for his cord is good flow. He is breathing still and
    growing great. Measuring about a week behind
    but that isn't too bad. One of his kidney's did move up though which is wierd but its ok. I am not
    letting that get me down. I guess if they have to pull the other organs ...