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  1. Missing my Baby

    I can't sleep. I just miss Madison. I feel like everyone thinks I should be over her death already. I feel guilty going on with life. I know I have to for McKenzie. She deserves the best Mom I can be. I quit taking my meds since they make me feel sick. I learned I need them to stay focused. I know take them during the day and they don't make me sick. I guess I should try to sleep because I have to get up and take care of Kenzie in thew morning.
  2. Jacob Ray Hall

    My son Jacob Ray Hall was born on May 2nd 2008 at 11:13 A.M. He was 8lbs11oz and 22 inches long. He was born with an undiagnosed Left Sided CDH, and was immediately taken to Mass General from Maine by ambulance. He was intubated and had lots of IV's and other tubes leading everywhere. On May 4, 2008 Jacob underwent surgery to repair his hernia. The surgeons found that all of his bowels, his stomach, his liver, his spleen, where all in his chest cavity, and they managed to fix it. Jacob was extubated ...