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  1. A Mother's Greatest Gift

    Hello, My Gorgeous Peanut!

    Momma has had a whirlwind busy day at work! I'm actually quite pooped out, so hopefully I'll sleep tonight. Night after night I ask you to help me settle down and relax. I even try counting sheep with my eyes closed- a sure sign of desparation! You know me, I have to stay busy. Busy is good right now- it's what I need right now.
    The most wonderful part about when I fall asleep is that you are always in my dreams!

    Last night your ...
  2. A day I thought I'd never see

    One year ago today After many hours of waiting and one good push AXAEL LYXANDER VEGA came into this world, without a sound and not moving, to turn my world upside down. At 5lbs. 10oz. and 9 inches long he had all odds against him. He was diagnosed with Right Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, Congenital Heart Disease, Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn, Low Muscle Tone and a great other things. After 4 months in the NICU, 5 surgeries (On ECMO, Hernia Repair, Off ECMO, Open Heart Surgery, ...