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  1. Reaching for you, Liam!

    Hello, My Perfect Peanut,

    Liam, Momma is reaching for you again today! One of Momma's very best friend's had her baby today. I do not know yet what she had, his or her name, or if she and Baby are healthy, but I am assuming they are. Although I am so happy for her, I can feel myself crumbling and choking up. Moments like this pose the ever present question: Why weren't you healthy? Why did this happen to you.. to us as a family? It seems like everybody is having healthy babies all ...
  2. Bryson Alexander Update

    We went yesterday for an ultrasound and to see the doctor. The ultrasound was actually interesting as it was the first time I could actually see the trail of bowel( a thin white line) that was from his chest to his diapghram. The doctor said that it was probably where the opening is. Everything is pretty much the same as we have already known, but I guess since we had the MRI they can see more of his lungs and see that his one lung is underdeveloped,they called it Hypoplasia. So, we weren't suprised ...