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  1. Big Bad Mean ECMO

    Prayers please...Avarey is doing well this morning but she has to have a few procedures which are risky! With taking the fluid off it has caused a space between her windpipe and breathing tube...they now have to change her to a bigger breathing tube. This means moving her neck with the blood tubes in...and with being a blood thinners this could cause bleeding. Also they are not pleased with the artery line in her left leg and will be pulling that and placing it in her right leg. Once again this ...
  2. Practice, practice, practice

    Axel has had a gtube/mickey since right before he came home from the NICU. This April will be one year. As hard as I tried to get him to eat something by mouth he wasn't having it. He passed his swallow study back in the beginning of September, but only purees. He still failed thin and thick liquids miserably. So we started slowly giving him purees. But most of the time it ended in failure. We had started therapy with ECI but soon D/C it and asked for an appt at Texas Children's. The soonest opening ...