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  1. Our story about Judy

    My name is Jode, I am married to a wonderful man named Mike. He is my best friend.
    Last August 2007 we found we were pregnant with our first child. As you can imagine we were very excited, scared, elated.
    Things seemed to be going well until Christmas eve. We were in a bad car accident. The firefighters had to cut me out with the jaws of life. Oh what a horrific sound that made. They took me to the ER and ran many tests. Everything came out normal.
    February 2nd we had an appt. ...
  2. New Year

    Took Shelby to the doc today and she has this bad cough. We tried Robintosion and that did not work. So we are trying Deallergy. It has dried up her mucus before and I am hoping it will now. Last night she retched so much, finally at 5:30 this morning...we stopeed her feed. She was so unhappy.
    Then we weighted her today and on the 27th of Dec she was 19 pds 9 ounces. Today she weight 19 pounds 5 ounces. So she has lost again!!!! :(
    Bless her heart. I feel so bad for her. ...