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  1. A Miracle

    I have always known that God had us in His hands, this whole situation and whatever we were going through that He was guiding us and directing our every path. I could see it in the slight things he
    was orchestrating, from getting us the best care,
    and the best doctors to just putting the right
    person at the right time to speak encouragement
    to us, but after yesterday's appointment I have no doubt in my mind that He works through the littlest of things, and He can be ...
  2. thinks she grown

    by , 09-21-2011 at 09:36 AM (My second grandson has arrived Brantley Reed)
    well angel has left my home and moved in with her new boyfriend(who is a loser) but she 20 now so i guess its time for mom to have her own life back. I dont think she will stay gone long. But you never know. Ill keep you posted lol