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  1. Happy 7 Month Birthday, Liam!

    Good Afternoon, My Perfect Angel!

    I wrote to you this morning, but for whatever reason that blog did not post. That's the second time this has happened. (?) I'm sorry I haven't written you in a while. My internet access is limited, as we don't have it at home, and I'm not supposed to use it that much while at work. Some days don't permit use at all, based on the fact that it can be very busy here. At any rate, you and I talk all the time. I bug you at all hours of the day and night. ...
  2. Christmas Joys


    I am so thankful for tiny little moments spent with you. You woke up today and looked right at me. Your eyes were wide open and you were as precious as can be. You seemed calm and i was cleaning your drool and making sure that your neck was dry. You are such a little drooler. I started talking to you and thought to sing Christmas carols to you. so, I started singing and your tiny eyeballs got heavy. They started to close and you fell back to sleep. The profusionist that was ...