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  1. Happy 3-Month Birthday, Liam Anthony Hunt!

    Our Gorgeous Angel, Liam,

    Today is your 3-month birthday! The months have flown by so quickly, and yet each day feels like an eternity without you. Each day Daddy and I find that something, even if it's a little thing, gets a bit easier. Your big brother talks about you with great pride and love, and helps me pick out your clothes every day and your jammies every night. We have pictures of you all around the house. You and your brother are, by far, the most photographed children we ...
  2. Bryson Alexander Diagnosed

    We just found at 23 weeks that our little Bryson has LCDH. They initially thought that it was CCAM but now they are convinced that it is this. Fortunately, his structure of his lungs and organs looks good however, his bowel is in his chest pushing his heart. We did a amnio to rule out chromosome abnormality and the physicians seem optimistic that he doesn't have this because of our blood sequential screening tests as well as the u/s have looked great. His heart is structuraly perfect. We are praying ...