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  1. Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving- WOW I am so Thankful that Shelby is with us. I know this is such a hard time for a lot of families and I hope and Pray today and always they continue to stay positive. Holidays are very hard when you have lost someone and expecially a baby. All of you that have lost a child-May this Holiday season be peaceful for you.
    I am one of the lucky members-we can be Thankful for Shelby. Shelby took steps today, it started yesturday and today she was walking a few ...
  2. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!
    I really love this holiday! It gives us a chance to reflect. I am so very thankful for so many things. God has really blessed me more than I imagined possible. :D
    My husband's family was supposed to come up for the feast, but all are sick. :( So it will just be us and a couple of friends. But that is really ok. I mean, they can't help it that they got sick!! The only problem is I have a huge turkey defrosting in the fridge!! We will probably be eating leftovers ...