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  1. I am so worried

    I hate not knowing I am so ready to hold him to see him to know he is okay. I hate waiting to find out how he will be. I just do not think I can take this. I know I might sound like a big baby right know and that is fine by me. I just hate this feeling. I just keep thinking what did I do wrong.I am only 24 weeks and I am already ready for him to be here. I just hate that I can not enjoy being pregnant. I just hate this all together I can not stop praying I acutally caught myself closing my eyes ...
  2. Cookie Monster and Shoe Burglar

    It's been a couple weeks since I've posted and oh, how my Adam has changed over the that time. I recall posting some time ago about how I had to wonder what the age of 15 months was going to bring. Oh it's here and in full throttle.

    There's no doubt about it, I've got myself a little smartie! I'm amazed at the problem solving skills this kid has for his age. For example, we keep a stool in our kitchen, mainly for Aaron to use. Adam has mastered using the stool and yesterday ...