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Recent Blogs Posts

  1. It's A Girl

    I am very happy to announce that we are having a girl! More importantly, everything seems to be growing at normal rates, and everything is where it should be! We got some of the test results back and so far they have all come back with low risk for things like Downs Syndrome and Trisomy 18. The only concern was the spotting I had this morning, which after an exam was determined to be caused by a polyp. They will be keeping an eye on it, but say it isn't something to worry about. We will be going ...
  2. What A Week

    We've gone live with our web site! YEAH!!! We've gotten rave reviews, which is wonderful - we have worked so hard on this for so long!

    We have an influx of new members who were on the listservs and hadn't joined yet. 20 or 30 in the past few days. Our old site was averaging 300,000 hits per month, our new site should be a lot more.

    I am exhausted though and having a hard time keeping up with password requests and e-mails plus my regular job too. Hopefully soon, ...
  3. 2 Hours until Appointment

    Well I can officially call myself a nervous wreck at this point. It is less than 2 hours until my big doctors appointment where I get all sorts of scary genetics and other tests along with a level 2 ultrasound. If I wasn't scared enough as it was, about an hour ago I was at work and started cramping. I went to the bathroom and found a little blood. I freaked out! I ran out of work like a mad woman without any explanation to my boss who probably wants to kill me right about now. I just needed to ...