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  1. Jagger

    Jagger is doing great he has not had one set back since I took him home 10 months ago. He hasn't had a cold the flu or anything (crossing my fingers). I have been super lucky that he is a healty little boy. He is going to be turning 1 in 23 days. I keep thinking where did that time go? He has been walking for about a month now he really really wants to run but hasnt figured that out yet ( I give is a week). He says a few words like Mama and Dada, Nana and Papa. He is just AMAZING and I am so proud ...
  2. Re Repair

    My little girl is 19 months old and we found out yesterday that the surgeon will have ot go in and take out the initial repair (done at 1 day old) as her body is rejecting it. Seems like it wouldve happened sooner however its not the case. They will be tearing the old repair out nad replacing it with muscle taken from her shoulder......anyone else have this happen?