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  1. First Blog*

    Well this is my girst time posting a blog on here. I recently found out my baby boy had a hernea and would have to have surgery right after birth. I just want some support from someone who has been in my shoes and their child be ok. Im very worried and just want to know everything will be ok.
  2. Bryson Alexander: Update

    It has been 4 days since my Bryson has been born. I never thought that the day would ever come. Patiently waiting for 9 months, anticipating his arrival and having no idea what the outcome would be as he entered the world.
    God has orchestrated every event in his life so far from who his nurses are on his care to the doctors and surgeons and assistants who have been in his operating room, specifically hand picked by God to heal my son. I prayed for a miracle and even though I prayed that ...
  3. You Give Me Peace

    My Dearest, Liam,

    Last night was a tough night for Momma. Daddy and Lan went to Mimi and Pop-Pop's for dinner. I haven't been sleeping well, so Daddy said I could stay at home and try to rest and relax. I, of course, could not rest. I did some housework to keep busy and colored my hair- the first time since I found out I was pregnant with you. I reached a point where a felt a little tired, so I made some dinner and caught up on America's Next Top Model. After I dozed for a bit, I ...