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  1. Bryson Alexander:

    How does one begin to explain what I feel. It is a complete different day then it was a few days ago.
    I have been on bed rest for the last 24 hours and have been on my back with minimal movement. My blood pressure numbers aren't great. I have been ranging 156/85. That was just laying down and doing nothing.
    When I went down to breakfast this a.m. I checked it and it spiked to 163/106. Then it kept creeping up higher. I called the doctor and they said to head to the emergency room. ...
  2. Rise Above It All

    Good Morning, My Gorgeous Liam,

    I write this entry with many things on my mind. I am thinking of and praying for the many grieving families, and the families and children that are "in the thick of it" right now.

    I should have known that Facebook was not a great place and I don't usually check it very often. Last night, for whatever reason, I did. I wish I hadn't. Some of the things people say just floor me. So insincere, so ignorant, so ill-timed, so over ...