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  1. Sienna Marie Howard 12/15/2011

    Quote Originally Posted by Danielle Howard View Post
    Sienna was my second child, she had a left sided hernia with stomach and part of the liver up in her chest cavity that was able to be seen on an ultrasound at 20 weeks. This is our story, one in which i hope helps others as other's stories on here has helped me realize that i am not alone.

    We found out we were pregnant in August, I'm very sensitive and one that just has to look at my husband to get pregnant so we knew right away. I was dealing with kidney stones a week prior to getting
  2. Exhausted

    Good Morning, My Little Peanut,

    It seems like a while since I've written. Life has been so busy and so hectic, that I am completely exhausted. I even have been ignoring the housework because I have no motivation at the end of the day. Now, that means I'm super tired; you know what an OCD neat-freak I am!

    We had to take Landon back to the doctors' office due to a really bad cough. It is productive and he's moving the "yuckies" around, so I'm hopeful that with ...
  3. New words

    Ethan is saying so many words. He is actually talking instead of babbling. His speech is not always clear but he is actually really talking now. His newest and favorite line is, "I win". He races his trucks around the house with his sister and even if she gets there first, he says, "I win". I always tell him, "yes you do." He put on his Daddy's shoes this past weekend and said, "I am Daddy." It's nice to hear him using full sentences even if they are ...
  4. Catching Up

    Good Morning, Liam Anthony!

    During the past week, I didn't have even 5 minutes to sit down and post. It was chaotic and stressful, to say the very least! The chaos and stress had nothing to do with us and home- it had everything to do with my job! Working in a rehabilitation center/nursing home, you learn very quickly that it is a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week operation. We all have to come together as one collective unit to make things flow smoothly- and to help each other endure ...
  5. Once Again an Update... Amairani Vianney

    Surgery has been put off for two weeks....
    she got an bladder infection...
    has been put on antibiotics...
    Ill just update when surgery does happen
    because shes doing great they said there no rush to fix her problem...
    hopefully soon everything happens with great results ...
    Im so home sick & just wanna be albe to be a mom to my bby already...
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