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  1. Web Site / Membership Security

    Hi Everyone,

    At 03:03:02 EST an attempt was made from a Charlottesville, VA computer at [] to try to export our member database. Hacking is a federal offense and Embarq will confirm the user by IP address. The attempt was fruitless, but this incident just reaffirms the need to be cautious with our membership info.

    Our membership database is safe, we have tons of precautions and firewalls and any attempts are logged in case ...
  2. Fall 2007 Silver Lining Issue now out!

    You can download our 2007 Fall issue of The Silver Lining newsletter on our web site in the downloads section or the newsletter section at:

    It is in full color and 28 pages long, full of stories, news, info and much more. It will be mailed out in 2 weeks to those of you who are subscribers, requested to be on the mailing list (it's on your Profile/membership form) or who aren't on-line. It cost approximately $30 a year to print and ...
  3. More from April 7, 1999

    More from April 7, 1999:


    Hi again everyone,

    Well, the boys vs. girls theory is just that- a theory,
    albeit a popular one. I've been searching through our
    research articles and the net and have yet to find an
    article on CDH and gender. BUT, I haven't found an article
    to disprove the theory either.

    From our 1998 CDH Survey Results (keep in mind this is from
    our membership and ...
  4. From April 7, 1999

    We've been talking about the occurrance rate of CDH as compared to spina bifida and cystic fibrosis for years. Especially how low CDH awareness is!!! We've done a ton of research over the years and I was putting some stuff together this weekend for a project and I ran across a bunch of interesting old posts on our lists. I thought I'd post a few of them. Heck, I'll post several over the next few days. If any of you have any neat stats, please feel free to post too!

  5. September, 2007 Member Letter

    Dear Members,

    It has been a long time since my last member e-mail but CHERUBS is still here, still going strong and we have tons of new services for CDH families! Our membership is now over 1900, including 1800 parents and 100 medical professionals. You can see all of our activities over the years at There is quite a bit of news to fill you in on:

    We have a new web site! Our new site address is Our new web site ...
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