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  1. Update: Bryson Alexander

    What is mommy going to do with you. Since Friday you gave mommy and daddy quite a scare. You started bleeding excessively and the doctors said that they weren't sure that they were going to be able to help you. They got the bleeding stopped but it was touch and go for a while. They had to abruptly take you off of ECMO and because of that no one knew how you were going to do. They put you on the conventional vent and cranked up the o2 to 100%.That was Thursday ...
  2. A New Year... and hopefully a better year!

    Good Morning, Liam Anthony!

    Happy New Year, My Precious Angel! Thank God the new year has finally arrived! I went to church yesterday morning, per the usual routine on Sundays and got the pleasure of watching a woman being baptized. It was such a beautiful way to start the new year! I have a book that I am working in about Baptism, and am planning on doing it very soon. I have received Christ as my Savior, but it means the world to me to have your Daddy there when I am baptized. Daddy ...
  3. Welcome to the world! Amairani Vianney!

    Born At 11:36am on 12/30/2011!!!

    Im thankful my bundle of joy is doing good! I havent updated anything on here!

    But just thought i'd let you guys know so far she doing great! =]

    she perfect long curly brown hair=] olive green eyes=] 6.15oz still dont know much of her like how long she is.... but ive been asking they just havent messsured her since its not top priority which is fine with me!

    thnks everyone for the prays!
    bless you ...
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