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  1. Final Countdown


    Wow, November 1 is almost here. Where has time gone? We've enjoyed our family outings and time together, but now it's time to say goodbye to freedom and hunker down for a long RSV and flu season. No more trips to the store with Adam and no more taking him to church until next spring.

    Adam received his first synagis shot of the season today and his flu vaccine. ...
  2. getting started

    [color=green:f569ffdb0e][/color:f569ffdb0e][color=green:f569ffdb0e][/color:f569ffdb0e][b][size=18:f569ffdb0e][/size:f569ffdb0e]Testing testing...trying to figure this out! :)
  3. Another Good Doctors Appointment

    I went in to see my doctor today to go over the ultrasound results and for a check. Everything went well! Makayla has been active all day. I go in for blood work in a few weeks to check for gestational diabetes and for a platelet check. Hopefully those will come back in an acceptable range, if my platelets go any lower I may have to deliver c-cection which I would really prefer to avoid. Every good appointment is helping me breath a little easier so lets hope they keep happening! :)
  4. Happy to be home

    Happy to be home with Shelby.
    Getting used to another pump...we actually like it!!!
    Took Shelby to a Halloween party and she won judges favorite!!!!She was wonder bread!
    I am trying to post picutres...going to the office today to get help!!!
    Love Cherubs so much-in a short time of us has been WONDERFUL!!!! :D
    Looking for a position to volunteer for Cherubs and am very excited about it!
  5. Work

    Uggghhh, Well I am officially the biggest sucker around. This weekend at work really sucked. I have been trying to cut back my hours to 4 days a week but it just isn't happening and I keep being pushed into 5 days. This week I agreed to work the 5 days if I had 2 half days. Well the half days were ok, but then this weekend I ended up working 9 hours yesterday and 11 hours today so how is that really cutting back. I am sitting here swollen, sore, tired and frustrated! We were so busy these last two ...
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