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  1. 4 am

    Well it is 4 am and I have 2 1/2 more hours that I could be sleeping, but nope I am "wide awake". Grrrr, this is what makes the third trimester so difficult-and I am barely in it! I have a very active baby kicking like crazy inside of me, my leg won't stop cramping, I can't get comfortable, my back aches, and I am having the strangest dreams! So here I am in the wee hours of the morning trying to stay busy. Well, I guess its my bodies way of getting me ready for the sleepless nights ...
  2. I am so worried

    I hate not knowing I am so ready to hold him to see him to know he is okay. I hate waiting to find out how he will be. I just do not think I can take this. I know I might sound like a big baby right know and that is fine by me. I just hate this feeling. I just keep thinking what did I do wrong.I am only 24 weeks and I am already ready for him to be here. I just hate that I can not enjoy being pregnant. I just hate this all together I can not stop praying I acutally caught myself closing my eyes ...
  3. Cookie Monster and Shoe Burglar

    It's been a couple weeks since I've posted and oh, how my Adam has changed over the that time. I recall posting some time ago about how I had to wonder what the age of 15 months was going to bring. Oh it's here and in full throttle.

    There's no doubt about it, I've got myself a little smartie! I'm amazed at the problem solving skills this kid has for his age. For example, we keep a stool in our kitchen, mainly for Aaron to use. Adam has mastered using the stool and yesterday ...

    We have a date for the ATV ride for CHERUBS.
    April 19, 2008 in Attica, IN. I am SO excited about this.
    I hope families will come out for the day and have some fun!!!
    More details to come.
    Shelby has gained weight!!!!! :D :D
    She weighs 18 pounds 8 ounces. Her pump feeds are going great and she has not retched or sweated in a week!!!!!!
    The other girls are SO good with her and I love them so...they all have their own personalities and they are all so different. ...
  5. Angeborene Zwerchfellhernie

    Also, Ich soll meine Geschichte einmal auf Deutsch erzählen. Habe bitte ein bisschen Geduld mit mir, ich bin Amerikanerin und schriebe noch mit einige Rechtschreibfehlern. :oops:
    Meine Tochter, Rebecca, ist am 5 Oct. 2004 im Mannheim geboren. Wir haben den Diagnose Zwerchfellhernie schon in die 21 Woche bekommen. Rebecca wurde per Kaisterschnitt auf die Welt gebracht und fast sofort am ECMO angeschlossen. Sie hat die erste 9 Tage alle super vertragen und wir waren volle Hoffnung. Nach 9 ...
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