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  1. Avarey Grace Champagne~Mommy's Angel

    Where do I even start? This is the first time I have ever done anything like this, and trust me, I'm a rambler so this may take a while. My Avarey Grace is coming Feb 8th or 9th of 2012 and I couldn't be more excited and scared. My Fiancee, Kevin, and I first found out about Avarey's CDH on Sept 9th 2011. Let me tell you, there is nothing like seeing your first baby for the first time, then being told it's a GIRL , and then being told there may be a problem. Talk about something ...
  2. Bryson Alexander: Its Time!

    Last Wednesday, we went in for another dr's appt. The doctor didn't check me but he wanted to go ahead and schedule my induction. He scheduled it for Dec. 2 this Friday but that he said someone should be calling me with the time. To make the long story short they have changed the date now to Monday, Dec.5. I guess on the weekends there are no pediatric surgeons available and they want to make sure that incase there is an emergency or have to do it right away that there will be one there. So, I am ...
  3. 2 months & 5 days today...

    So, a look back it seems like yesterday but just 2 months & 5 days later I look at where we are & what has changed. To be quite honest with you I can't even begin to measure "how much" has changed. For some they see where I'm at & they say "Wow, I hope you aren't stuck in this mess" and others would say "We are so proud of you. You have overcome so much & give me inspiration & show me a mother's love for her child". So, the response depends on who ...
  4. Silas' Birth- Sept 23, 2011

    Posted on October 10, 2011

    O.K. so here I go after my son passing one week ago on Fri. Sept. 23, 2011 I THINK I am ready to take the time to place the end of his story down in black & white.. I cant make any promises but here goes.. It's been a while since I last wrote on here. I mean really there was no real reason to have to write. However, there is now a whole lot to say to the world! On Mon. Sept. 19, 2011 I thought that my water had broken as I was riding to the store I was ...
    Tags: birth, delivery, labor Add / Edit Tags
  5. So Many CDH Babies in Seattle Children's Hospital

    There are at least 6 families in Seattle Children's Hospital today with CDH Babies. Out of those 6, I know 4. I wish I knew the other 2. I have officially adopted Seattle Children's Hospital and today I am going to be dropping off informational packets to the NICU,the CDH Story books will be donated to the library for everyone to check out and read. Im hoping they will distribute the info to the 2 families I dont know. I pray for their CDH babies everyday and hope things are going well for them, ...
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