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  1. not gaining enough weight

    Anna is now nearly 5 years old in January and not on high calorie milk she still is slim compared to her class friends but now i have my social worker expressing concern because of her size and i told him about her condition that she was born with and that this is something that happens to children born with CDH. Not sure if he believes me but am so stressed and worried now as Anna does have a good appetitie although at tea time it is a struggle to get her to eat most times as she is tired. Even ...
  2. 39 weeks!

    I am at 39 weeks. Baby seems to be comfortable just chillin inside me and that is fine. I am progressing but slowly. I am completely thinned out, station -2 and finger tip dilated (as of 10-30-12). I had two non stress tests last week that came back fine. I will have a check up on 11-6-12. We have been at the Ronald McDonald house near the hospital for almost two weeks now. Baby's weight gain has slowed. Estimated at 6lb 2oz on 10-22-12. We expected around 7lb by then. I am glad we are near the ...
  3. CDH walk

    I was wondering what it entailed to start a CDH walk in my area, if its even possible. I live in central NY and would like to do this in honor of my daughter Taylor. any info would be great! thanks!!
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