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  1. Happy Birthday Gabriel

    Happy Birthday to my beautiful angel. I can't believe it has been a year. One year ago right now we were heading out the door on our way to the hospital. Full of excitement and idea of the road that lay ahead. I miss you Gabe, I wish you were here to celebrate your first birthday with us.
  2. Day of Shopping

    Wow it sure is crazy how your energy levels can change when you are prego! The last week I had been really tired and then the last two days I have had tons of energy!! We went and registered for Faith's stroller, carseat, and pack n play. Also trying to get things ready for when my Mom comes to visit from FL.

    We went shopping today from 12:30-5 and bought a new couch and rocker/recliner for when Faith is here!

    We are excited and looking forward to seeing her ...
  3. The Lord Works In Mysterious Ways

    [color=black:6148a52a1f]I drove an hour today to Durham to meet with a potential new client. Today, I've been in a pretty frantic, stressed and depressed about how some people have no consciences mood. To top it off, I overloaded on coffee and Mt Dew so I was wired too. So I'm driving to meet this client, and I'm praying. Praying something to the effect of "Dear Lord, give me patience today. Make me a better, more forgiving person with those who do not treat others well. Make ...
  4. feeding issues

    We have done the night drip with Miss Shelby and for the last two nights- Shelby has woken up at 6am and was sweating and retching.
    Today we are in contact with Docs- were going to try and feed Shelby 5 ounces at 2pm. At 10pm, start the night drip and give her 25 ounces. But are waiting to see if we should slow down the pump. I think we should, but always like to hear it from our Doc.
    I love our ped doc here in our town. He has been so helpful in all Shelby has gone through. ...
  5. Frustrated

    I have spent the entire morning trying to find german CDH families online. There is not much out there. I sent out a couple of emails and have to be patient, I guess. That is NOT one of my better qualities! There is an ECMO group, but the email and address is outdated. This is frustrating!! I might have to start up my own website - scary!
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