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  1. A Depressing Day

    My Gorgeous, Precious, Little Liam,

    You are my stars and moon;
    My sun and rainbow;
    My source of joy and pride.

    I still wonder why God needed you so soon. I guess he needed you up in Heaven with Him. I don't believe He needed you more than I need you- that is impossible! Your Daddy, Landon and I need you more than anyone ever could or ever will! You are our world, Liam Anthony Hunt!

    So many tragic things happen every day. Things that I cannot ...
  2. Calm and Peaceful

    Good Morning, My Gorgeous Angel!

    I'm sorry for not writing yesterday. I don't know why I insist on apologizing because I talk to you all the time, so we never lose touch. I find great comfort in writing to you every day! It helps me to feel closer to you! I thank God for my friend, Suzanne for suggesting writing to you daily, just as she did when with her son when he passed away. It has been very therapeutic for me and gives me time to process my thoughts and feelings. It's easier ...
  3. Our Prayer

    My Dearest, Liam,

    I write to you today with a heavy heart. This heavy heart is not particularly for our family, as I continue to feel more bits of peace and comfort. My heart is heavy for a beautiful little boy and his family. You and I both know how extremely difficult this journey is. We know how unexpected everything is, and that we must cherish every second that passes, and thank God for them all. Liam, you are an amazingly perfect miracle, and your journey was also a miracle, ...
  4. My Prayer

    Dear Lord,
    In the poem" Footprints," there appeared one set of footprints in the sand, and your words were, " It was then that I carried you..."
    Lord, I know you are carrying me because that is the only way I know I am making it day by day right now and able to feel the peace that I do. But I need you to please carry Bryson. Carry his lungs, and carry his heart in your hands. Sustain him so they are able to work on their own. Whatever you need to do, Lord, Please ...
  5. Our First Christmas

    Hello, My Gorgeous Little Man!

    Merry First Christmas, Liam Anthony Hunt!

    Yesterday brought many special moments for our family! Some members of our family gave us very specialgifts in your honor. Nonna and Grandpa gave you your first teddy bear- a Vermont Teddy Bear called the Angel Bear. It suits you perfectly! It sits on your shelf with many of your other precious things. Your Aunt Jackie gave us a sterling silver baby bootie engraved with your name and birthdate. ...
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