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  1. Esophogram Update

    His test came back perfect. There are no leaks, and the esophagus is healing nicely. It is actually larger then they thought which is good for future feedings etc. They don't know if he is going to tolerate feedings but hopefully he will be able to. Just another thing to pray for when that time comes, but as for now Miracle are happening. He is doing well and now because we have overcome this hurdle he can continue with his hernia surgery on Saturday. This is wonderful because they don't have to ...
  2. Pray with me, Liam!

    Good Morning, My Perfect Angel,

    My mind is filled with thoughts and prayers for several children and families fighting the same fight we are, Liam. My heart breaks for them and I find myself not being able to focus on anything but them, and sending prayers their way. I know that you are with me Liam and I know that you hear my words, feel my love, and dry my tears. Liam, I ask that you pray with me. These children and families need the strength and courage that you show me every day. ...
  3. My Journey of Faith

    When i was pregnant my emotions were uncontrollable because i was so happy to be expecting and so terrified that i would lose him. The last time i saw my doctors was September 22, 2011 they did a check up on everything and he seemed to be doing great. On Sep. 23 I decided to go to church for the first time in years and Brayden was very active during that time. The next day I hadnt felt any fetal movements so i went to the doctors to find out that Braydens Heart failed, there was no trace of a heart ...
  4. Kyler's Story

    Quote Originally Posted by StephanieMurray View Post
    I am Stephanie, mother of Kyler who was born with a left CDH in September. I was a high risk pregnancy since my first son was born at 34 weeks. They were watching me carefully and did extra ultrasounds and I even had a shot in the 28th week to help speed up lung development. At my last ultrasound at 29 weeks the hernia did not show up. The surgeon thought this was positive because that indicates it didn't develop until later. I started having contractions at 36 weeks. My husband rushed
  5. My Constant Reminder

    Good Morning, My Precious Peanut,

    I have been making a valliant effort to start each day off with a smile. This, most mornings, is a relatively easy task. When I wake up, the first two things I see are your picture and Landon. The first two things that I feel are your blankie and your lion. These are all great sources of comfort and give me that extra boost I need to peel myself out of bed. You and your brother are my constant reminders of why I need to keep going. I keep working, ...
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